Tze-wan Kwan (關子尹) on Language
- 『萊布尼茲與現代德語之滄桑 - 兼論「語文作育」與民族語言命運問題』[Leibniz and the Development of Modern German: On Sprachpflege and the Fate of National Languages].《同濟大學學報》社會科學版,Tongji University Journal, Vol. 16, No. 1 (53), (上海:同濟大學出版社﹐2005.2), pp. 1-11.
Now also available in:
- 關子尹著:《語默無常-尋找定向中的哲學反思》[Articulation-cum-Silence: In Search of a Philosophy of Orientation]. 香港:牛津大學出版社, Hong Kong: Oxford Univerity Press, 2008, pp. 166-189. (Chinese).
- 關子尹著:《語默無常-尋找定向中的哲學反思》北京:北京大學出版社, Beijing: Peking Univerity Press, 2009, pp. 147-168. (Chinese).
- "The Overdominance of English in Global Education - Is an Alternative Scenario Thinkable", first presented in the Ninth East West Philosophers' Conference, June 2005, in Honolulu, now published in: Educations & Their Purposes: A Conversation Among Cultures, edited by Roger T. Ames and Peter D. Hershock (Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press and East-West Philosophers Conference, 2008), pp. 54-71. (English)
Reprint: "The Overdominance of English in Global Education - A Glocal Response", chapter in Wm. Theodore de Bary, Confucian Tradition and Global Education: Essays in Honor of Tang Junyi, (New York: Columbia University Press, 2007), pp. 75-99.
Reprint: "The Over-dominance of English in Global Education: The Contemporary Relevance of Leibniz's Notion of
'Language Care'", Phenomenology 2005 (Vol. 1): Selected Essays from Asia, (eds.) C.F. Cheung and C.C. Yu (Bucharest: Zeta Books, 2008), pp. 371-407.
*Please note that the two "reprints" were suggested by Professor de Bary and Professor Lester Embree respectively, and were given permission by Professor Roger Ames, convenor of the Ninth EWP conference. Although the three papers are thematically the same, they do differ slightly in wordings and emphasis.
- "Wilhelm von Humboldt on the Chinese Language - Interpretation and Reconstruction", presented on 23 June 1999 as the concluding lecture of the Ringvorlesungen series jointly organized by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) and the University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland; published in Journal of Chinese Linguistics, Vol 29, number 2, Berkeley, June 2001, pp. 169-242. (English)
- "Towards a Phenomenology of Pronouns--For Elmar Holenstein on his Seventieth Birthday", paper presented at University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland on 17 October 2005, and repeated at the Husserl Archives, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, on 26 October 2005. Now published in International Journal of Philosophical Studies, Vol. 15, No. 2 (London: Routledge, June 2007), pp. 247-268. (English)
- "Wilhelm von Humboldt als deutscher Idealist: Ein philosophiegeschichtliches Plädoyer", presented in German in October 2005 at the Institut für Philosophie, Freie Universität Berlin. Now published in: Die Realität der Idealisten, (ed.) Hans Feger (Köln, Weimar, Wien: Bohlau-Verlag, 2008), pp. 95-112. (German)
- 『語言系統的結構、功能與成長』 [The Structure, Functions and Growth of Language]. In:《語默無常-尋找定向中的哲學反思》[Articulation-cum-Silence: In Search of a Philosophy of Orientation].香港:牛津大學出版社,2008, pp. 137-165. (Chinese)
- 『寓抽象於具體-漢語古文字中的哲學工夫』 [From the Concrete to the Abstract: Philosophical Thoughts in Archaic Chinese Script Forms], an invited lecture presented on 20 April 2007 at the Institute for Philosophy, National Central University (國立中央大學哲學研究所), Chungli, Taiwan. Repeated on 11 May 2007 at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities & Social Sciences, Nanjing University (南京大學人文社會科學高級研究院), Nanjing, China. Now available as a chapter in:《語默無常-尋找定向中的哲學反思》[Articulation-cum-Silence: In Search of a Philosophy of Orientation].香港:牛津大學出版社,2008, pp. 196-242.(Chinese)
- 『從語詞場域理論看哲學經典的漢語翻譯問題』 [Lexical Field Theory and the Chinese Translation of Philosophical Classics]. Paper presented at the "Workshop on Problems in Chinese Translation in Phenomenology (現象學漢語翻譯問題工作坊)", organized by Archive for Phenomenology and Contemporary Philosophy, Philosophy Department, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, in collaboration with the Professional Committee for Phenomenology in China, held 13-15 December 2006, in Hong Kong. (Chinese, pending publication)
- 『西方哲學東漸下有關語言的一些重要議題』 [Language related Issues amidst the Introduction of Western Philosophy into China], paper presented at the conference on "Introduction of Western Philosophy and Modernization of Chinese Society (西方哲學東漸會議)", organized by Chinese Society for Contemporary Foreign Philosophy, Chinese National Society for History of Foreign Philosophy, Archive for Introduction of Western Knowledge (西學東漸資料館) at Sun Yat-Sen University, Center for the New Studies of Chinese Culture, Shantou University, in commemoration of the founding of the archive at Sun Yat-Sen University, held from 1-2 December 2006 in Guangzhou (Canton) and from 3-5 December 2006 in Shantou (Swatow).
Now piblished in《中山大學學報》社會科學版,廣州(2009年5月)第3期,頁118-127。 Journal of Sun Yat-Sen University, Social Science Edition, Guangzhou, (2009.5.15) pp. 118-127. (Chinese)
The same paper in abridged form: 『西方哲學東漸下有關語言的議題』 [Language related Issues amidst the Influx of Western Philosophy into China], selected and abridged for inclusion in the Chinese Social Science Digest 《中國社會科學文摘》,Vol. 9, issue 9 (總 69 期), 2009.09.01, pp. 53-55, abridged by Han Hueiying (韓慧英) and published by the Social Sciences in China Press (中國社會科學雜誌社), the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (中國社會科學院).
- "Abstract Concept Formation in Archaic Chinese Script Forms: Some Humboldtian Perspectives", Philosophy East & West, Vol. 61, no. 3 (July 2011), pp. 409-452. (English)
Now downloadable from Project Muse of Johns Hopkins University:
Note: This paper has been presented on various occasions including a) invited lecture by the Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages, CUHK, on 15 May 2008; b) International Symposium on "Creating Meaning for Letters and Sounds: Making sense of the World through Language", organized by Institute of Humanities, Seoul National University, Korea, on 23 May 2008. c) International Conference on "Han and Pre-Han Traditional Chinese Texts" (古道照顏色──先秦兩漢古籍國際學術研討會), organized by Department of Chinese Language & Literature, CUHK, on 17 January 2009; and d) presented in German with the title "Kognitive Analyse altchinesischer Schriftkomponenten", in the guest lecture series organized by "DFG Graduiertenkolleg 1458 - Schriftbildlichkeit", Institut für Philosophie, Freie Universität Berlin, on 12 November 2009, in Berlin, Germany.
- "Phenomenological Interpretation of the ‘Six Ways’ of Chinese Script Formation", presented at the "DFG Graduiertenkolleg 1458 - Schriftbildlichkeit, 24-25 September 2010 at the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. Now in: Visualizing Knowledge in Signs: Encoding Meanings in Logographic and Logophonetic Writing Systems, Vol. 23, Berliner Beiträge zum Vorderen Orient (BBVO), (Berlin: Pe-We-Verlag, 2014), pp. 157-202.
- 『語文作育,國之大事-現代德語的滄桑對漢語未來的啟示』,《中大學生報》2005年 2 月「拉扯在中英文之間-中大國際化特刊」,pp. 34-38.
Reprint: 「中國學術論壇」 : (2005.3.4)
Reprint: 「中國人民大學-哲學在線」: (2005.3.7)
Reprint: 「中央廣播電視大學」 : (2006.2.11)
Reprint: 「拙風文化網」 : (Date unknown)
Reprint: 中文大學校友關注大學發展小組編:《令大學頭痛的中文》網版。(香港:田園,2007.01),pp. 25-37.
- 『別在語言迷宮裡迷路——語文規劃與語文作育的再議』,《明報‧世紀版》(2006.11.13)
Reprint: 「中文大學校友關注大學發展小組」 : (2006.11.16)
Reprint: 「獨立媒體」: (2006.11.15)
Reprint: 「中國現象學網」: (2006.11.25)
Reprint: 《中大學生報網上版》
Reprint: 中文大學校友關注大學發展小組編:《令大學頭痛的中文》。(香港:田園,2007.01),pp. 92-98.
- 『母語教育迷思下的「理」與「勢」』,《信報財經新聞‧中港評論》(Hong Kong Economic Journal] (2008.06.14),頁8。
[Rational Deliberations and Practical Concerns in the Midst of Recent Debates over Native Language Education]
Reprint: 「中文大學校友關注大學發展小組」 : (2008.06)
Reprint: 「百度空間」 : (2008.06)
- 『語文作育與語文保育-《語文求真》序』,《語文求真》,康寳文、萬波、張詠梅主編(香港:三聯書店,2008.5),pp. vii-x. (Chinese)
- 『從語詞場域理論看哲學經典的漢語翻譯問題』 [Lexical Field Theory and the Chinese Translation of Philosophical Classics]. Paper presented at the "Workshop on Problems in Chinese Translation in Phenomenology (現象學漢語翻譯問題工作坊)", organized by Archive for Phenomenology and Contemporary Philosophy, Philosophy Department, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, in collaboration with the Professional Committee for Phenomenology in China, held 13-15 December 2006, in Hong Kong. Published in: 《現象學與當代哲學》第二期 (Journal of Phenomenology & Contemporary Philosophy), Vol. 2, Taipei, 2008.12, pp. 131-168.(Chinese)
- "Die Übermächtigung durch das Englische als globale Herausforderung und die zeitgenössische Bedeutung von Leibniz' Begriff der Sprachpflege", invited lecture presented at the Dahlem Humanities Center, Freie Universität Berlin, on 18 October 2011, in Berlin, Germany. (German)
- "Phenomenological Interpretation of the ‘Six Ways’ of Chinese Script Formation", presented at the "DFG Graduiertenkolleg 1458 - Schriftbildlichkeit, 24-25 September 2010 at the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. Now in: Visualizing Knowledge in Signs: Encoding Meanings in Logographic and Logophonetic Writing Systems, Vol. 23, Berliner Beiträge zum Vorderen Orient (BBVO), (Berlin: Pe-We-Verlag, 2014), pp. 157-202. (English)
- 『漢字六書學說的現象學詮釋』,《漢學研究》33卷2期 (2015),頁49-102。
- "Die vierfache Wurzel des Gedankens von 'sein' in der chinesischen Sprache und Schrift", presented as invited lecture at the colloquium "Sprachen des Denkens - Denken in Sprachen", organised by Tilman Borsche, now printed in Geschichte - Gesellschaft - Geltung, XXIII. Deutscher Kongress für Philosophie, with the support of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Philosophie e. V., held 28 September - 2 October, at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Kolloquiumsbeiträge, (ed.) Michael Quante, unter Mitarbeit von Nadine Mooren und Tanja Uekötter (Hamburg: Felix Meiner-Verlag, 2016), pp. 297-314. (German)
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